Monday, November 9, 2009

Why uniforms AREN'T good

School uniforms,this is a simple argument that has been going on since school.But even though I attend a school that makes kids wear uniforms,I don't think we should wear them.Most adults think that school uniforms are good but most kids don't.I personally don't like them because they cause money issues in families,they aren't fashionable and most kids hate wearing them.

When Bill Clinton said in his speech in 1996"If wearing uniforms is gonna stop teenagers killing each other than schools should be able to make kids/students wear them.''I disagree with him because teenagers don't kill each other to get designer jackets,yes they want them but they only want them to look cool.If teenagers don't get to look cool in fashion then they will find a nother way,like fooling around in school or doing bad things after school.So making kids in school wear uniforms will just make more problems.

School uniforms also cause money issues with families.When families have to buy school uniforms they cant buy 1 pair of clothes,they have to buy multiple sets plus gym uniforms or uniforms for what ever physical class they have.School uniforms also have to be washed a certain way which would cost more money.And when the students don't like what they have to wear than the parents would be spending money on clothes students don't like.

Uniforms have a little bit of good in them.They teach the kids discipline and make them look proper.Uniforms give them discipline because if the student doesn't wear they have no choice.Discipline makes a kid more respectful.When a student looks proper they look nice,respectful,and smart.Uniforms are also good because if students are going on a field trip than people can see what school they come from.
Even though uniforms have a little good its not enough for me to change my mind of why uniforms aren't good.

1 comment:

  1. Maddison-

    Great job! you have a clear thesis sentence in your intro and you use it to guide your essay. Very, very good writing!

    Make sure you are reading your essay out loud to listen for awkward sentences and missing words. Also, make sure you use examples from BOTH articles that you read.

    Put spaces after your periods when you type.

    Mr. Enders

    4.5 = meaning (use quotes from the texts!)
    4.5 = development (use quotes from the texts!)
    5 = organization
    4.5 = language

    Total = 18.5/20
